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How to parent smarter not harder.

How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom

Teens retreat to their rooms for lots of reasons: gaming, social media, low self-esteem or just for establishing their independence. The problem is, if your teen won’t talk to you, it’s very hard to know what’s going on or how best to help.

How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom brings together all the tips modern parents need to support teens’ wellbeing despite that often-closed bedroom door, including:

  • small everyday actions to build connection.
  • the blueprint for how to get a reluctant teen to spend time with you (and why it really matters that you persevere!)
  • tips on how to communicate effectively (without nagging!)
  • strategies for tackling tricky issues like compulsive gaming, obsessive phone use and anxiety
  • an honest look at the difficult emotions that parents experience when our child turns into a teen and starts pushing us away


How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom is available internationally in paperback, e-book and audio book versions.

Photo of book cover of How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom by parenting expert Anita Cleare

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