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How to parent smarter not harder.

KIT Days sessions

We offer a variety of packages to support new and expectant parents adjust to working parenthood, including

  • parenting clinics – brief 1-2-1 consultations for new and expectant parents to talk through specific issues and problem-solve their unique parenting challenges
  • positive parenting webinars/seminars on topics important to new parents
  • an online parenting course for new/expectant parents (Triple P® Baby)

Get in touch to discuss how we can add value to your KIT Days and provide essential practical support to your new and expectant parents.

Example session: Good habits for successful working parenthood

Heading back to work after parental leave can trigger doubts and worries. Often, these revolve around how to be the parent your child needs in the limited time available. This session is full of practical ideas to help parents prioritise their parenting time in ways that help children thrive and also make being a working parent manageable and enjoyable. Including tips on:

  • the most important parenting priorities for working parents of 0-2s
  • how to switch between work-mode and parent-mode
  • daily rituals and routines that support children’s development and build wellbeing
  • managing guilt and stress
  • making space for playfulness


Find Out More
photo of adult hand holding a baby's hand to illustrate information about KIT Days sessions on positive parenting for working parents

Books by Anita Cleare

For working parents – practical tips on how to be the parent your child needs and create happy family dynamics (but still do your job!).

For parents of teenagers – the ultimate tools and strategies for connecting with your teenager and supporting them to find their talents.

Example session: Becoming a positive parent

An outline of the key principles of positive parenting to support new and expectant parents transition to parenthood and feel equipped for the journey ahead. Practical tips on:

  • having realistic expectations
  • building a relationship with your baby
  • creating a positive learning environment
  • reflective parenting practices
  • co-parenting issues
  • looking after yourself