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How to parent smarter not harder.

Webinars & Events

Get practical tips on how to solve all the tricky issues of modern parenting. Explore our growing library of Watch Now Webinars.

Or why not book onto one of our live events? These are run in the evenings so you can get all your parenting questions answered without needing to leave the house or organise childcare! Places may be limited so register early.

photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare who delivers parenting webinars for working parents


Care Visions Family Talks

Tuesday 29th October 7pm (UK)

This 1 hour zoom interview with live Q&A will be packed with great insight and support for those that parent OR care for teens in today’s fast paced noisy world.

With hosts, Public Health Doctor, Linda de Caestecker and Actor and Foster Carer, Scott Kyle, everyone will get tools and strategies to take away.


Photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare next to book jacket for How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom


How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom

Missed it? Catch up on the interview here

Join Anita Cleare in thoughtful conversation with psychotherapist Sophie Scott.

Hear Anita read from her new book and answer questions from Sophie on everything to do with parenting teens.


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Photo of teenage boy looking down away from camera to illustrate webinar by parenting expert Anita Cleare on how to talk to teens


How to talk to teens about difficult topics

13 minute video

Does your teen get emotional or defensive when you try to talk to them? Do your conversations frequently end in conflict? Or do they just not listen?

Here are some simple tips for keeping conversations with teens on track and for broaching tricky topics.


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Photo of stressed mum with child to illustrate Watch Now parenting webinar


Is Stress Making You Snappy?

15 minute video

When we are stressed, we are much more likely to overreact to minor misbehaviour and interpret our children negatively. We can end up snapping, or exploding, and that can impact our relationship with our children. This short video tutorial contains practical tips on managing parental stress proactively and creating a more positive dynamic.


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Flier for webinar on supporting working parents with parenting expert Anita Cleare

RECORDING: Q&A Discussion

Supporting Working Parents: insights for the post-pandemic era

Missed it? Catch up on this live Q&A Discussion

As the rewriting of work patterns progresses, join Anita Cleare and Nicky Lowe as they share insights into supporting working parents.

● Learn evidence-based insights on the impact of post-pandemic working patterns on working parents

● Gain clarity on the questions you need to consider ensuring long-term success for post-pandemic working patterns

● Explore strategies for supporting working parents to make a win-win for all employees and your organisation

This FREE session is aimed at HR, team leaders and Family Network leads.

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Ad for live event with parenting expert Anita Cleare

RECORDING: Q&A Discussion

Talking the tough stuff with teens

Missed it? Catch up on this live 1hr Q&A Discussion

Anita and Fiona talk through practical ideas that parents can use to open up communication channels with teenagers and how to tackle tough topics (like drugs and alcohol, sexuality and gender identity, low mood and disordered eating).

They answer questions from participants on all aspects of talking to teens and supporting them through challenges.


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Mum waving goodbye to illustrate Watch Now Webinar on How to banish working mum guilt


How to banish working mum guilt

15 minute video

Do you worry that you should be doing more for your children? That you should be giving them more attention, spending more time with them, helping them more with their homework, being around more to pick them up and drop them off – or that you are somehow failing to be the best mum you really want to be?

This free video will help you understand where those guilt thoughts are coming from and how you can turn them around and manage parenting challenges positively.


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RECORDING: Q&A Discussion

Help your child through the 11-Plus

Missed it? Catch up on this live 1hr Q&A Discussion

How do you get the balance right as a parent when it comes to supporting your child through the 11-Plus process?

Parenting expert Anita Cleare and tutor Clare Lloyd answer audience questions and talk through practical ideas that all parents can use to help children prepare for the 11-Plus – whilst always maintaining focus on children’s wellbeing.


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Photo of dad and daughter looking at a book to illustrate Watch Now parenting webinar on story time


Using ‘Story Time’ to understand your child better

10 minute video

Children don’t always open up when asked direct questions. Here is a demonstration of a neat idea for finding out what your child is thinking and feeling by using books and story time.


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photo of two girls playing to illustrate Watch Now parenting webinar on free play


How free play can give you free time (and build your child’s brain!)

15 minute video

Free play is a win-win for time-poor parents. It enhances children’s development and takes pressure off busy parents. This short video explains how you can get a little more free time as a parent while, at the same time, building your child’s intelligence and creativity. Sounds too good to be true? Here’s how to do it!

[2-9 yrs]


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photo of child doing homework to illustrate webinar on making homework a happy habit


How to make homework a happy habit

10 minute video

Is homework a bit of a battle in your house? What if there was a way to take the heat out of homework and make it a happy learning experience? This quick video will change your approach and help your child be a better learner. And you’ll have more harmonious family evenings too!


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Words 'And breathe', Parenting expert Anita Cleare video tuorial on self soothe strategies for children


Self-soothe strategies for overwhelmed children

15 minute video

When children are anxious or overwhelmed by big emotions, self soothe strategies can help them to calm down and avoid a meltdown. This free video explains how to teach self soothe strategies to your child and offers a variety of self soothe ideas for you to try out.

[ages 3-11yrs]


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