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How to parent smarter not harder.

Workplace Parenting Clinics

It’s hard to focus at work and enjoy life’s challenges when being a parent leaves you stressed and drained. Parenting clinics provide a unique opportunity for working parents to access expert one-to-one advice on the specific issues troubling their family well-being and work-life harmony.

Workplace parenting clinics are suitable for working parents (or grandparents) who want confidential support to problem-solve a specific parenting issue. Clinics can be delivered on site, online or by phone. Each consultation lasts 20 or 30 minutes and can cover any parenting issue. Sessions focus on practical problem-solving advice assisted by tip sheets and resource lists. Half day clinics can be combined with a same-day webinar or seminar for extra value for money.

Typical issues covered include:

  • morning routines
  • sleep/bedtime problems
  • whining, tantrums
  • balancing work and family
  • building children’s self-esteem
  • rudeness and disrespect
  • anxiety
  • sibling conflict
  • children’s mental health and wellbeing
  • co-parenting after separation
  • homework battles
  • managing emotions
  • teenagers
  • preparing for a new baby
  • separation anxiety
  • risky behaviour
Find Out More
parenting support from Anita Cleare, picture of Dad at a computer

Books by Anita Cleare

For working parents – practical tips on how to be the parent your child needs and create happy family dynamics (but still do your job!).

For parents of teenagers – the ultimate tools and strategies for connecting with your teenager and supporting them to find their talents.


The session was brilliant. Having the opportunity for a group session (to know you are not alone) followed by a 1:1 was great. I didn’t shout once at my children last night or this morning and they behaved brilliantly.

working parent

Life changing!

I found both your session and our 121 really useful. I've started changing how I ask my kids to do things - so far it's actually working, even with the 2 year old twins! Life changing!

parenting clinic feedback

would definitely recommend

I would definitely recommend this to a colleague. It was far more valuable than I ever expected.

parenting clinic feedback

a lot of value

I found a lot of value out of the session and it gave me specific actions and next steps as to how to deal with the issue... It's great to be able to have a private impartial discussion about my children.

parenting clinic feedback

our session really helped

I'm really pleased to let you know that the strategies we chatted through have been successful - in such a short space of time

parenting clinic feedback