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How to parent smarter not harder.

Positive Parenting Switch
montage of book covers of The Work/Parent Switch by parenting expert Anita Cleare

The Work/Parent Switch

by Anita Cleare

Not sure where to start? Read the book. Be the parent your child needs (and still hold down your job).

photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare

About Anita Cleare

MA AdvDip

Anita Cleare is a parenting speaker, writer and coach and co-founder of the Positive Parenting Project.


Thinking Parenting blog

Being a good parent is not about getting it all right all of the time – fuel for thinking parents

Thinking Parenting Blog

Montage of book covers of our recommended 8 great books about modern family dynamics

8 Great Books About Modern Family Dynamics

I have chosen these 8 books about modern family dynamics because they include, explore and represent diverse aspects of modern family life. And they are all also a good read for anyone who is...

Photo of young girl with arms outstretch about to jump off a step to illustrate article on why realistic expectations are good for children and parents

Realistic expectations are good for children and parents

Having realistic expectations – of yourself and your children – is key to positive parenting. It builds children’s self-esteem, reduces parenting stress and helps you enjoy your...

Photo of woman with hands at her head looking exasperated to illustrate article on when children's emotions trigger parents' emotions

When children’s emotions trigger parents’ emotions

“Becoming a parent brings with it a host of overwhelming feelings, both harrowing and beautiful: the surge of pure love when you watch your child sleeping; the tears of joy when they stand on...

Photo of underside teenage girl's boot stamping towards the camera to illustrate article on how parents feel during the hurtful teenage years

The hurtful teenage years

I call them the hurtful teenage years for a reason. When parents think about kids becoming teens, it’s usually teenage behaviour we worry about most. What will my teenager be like? Will they be...

What’s Happening

Mum waving goodbye to illustrate Watch Now Webinar on How to banish working mum guilt


FREE (15 minutes)

How to banish working mum guilt

Do you worry that you should be doing more for your children? That you should be giving them more attention, spending more time with them, helping them more with their homework, being around more to pick them up – or that you are somehow failing to be the best mum you really want to be? This free video will help you understand where those guilt thoughts are coming from and how you can turn them around and manage parenting challenges positively.


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Photo of dad and daughter looking at a book to illustrate Watch Now parenting webinar on story time


FREE (10 minutes)

Using ‘Story Time’ to understand your child better

Children don’t always open up when asked direct questions. Here is a demonstration of a neat idea for finding out what your child is thinking and feeling by using books and story time.


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Words 'And breathe', Parenting expert Anita Cleare video tuorial on self soothe strategies for children


FREE (15 minutes)

Self-soothe strategies for overwhelmed children

When children are anxious or overwhelmed by big emotions, self soothe strategies can help them to calm down and avoid a meltdown. This free video explains how to teach self soothe strategies to your child and offers a variety of self soothe ideas for you to try out.

[ages 3-11yrs]


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the best webinar I have attended

This was one of the best, and possibly most useful webinars that I have attended to date... this was honestly so valuable, I can’t even explain how many notes I took!

Webinar attendee

Can't recommend enough

Can't recommend enough. Fun, interactive and practical sessions providing lots of opportunity for discussion. Anita is very experienced and highly engaging offering insights and guidance on many of the daily challenges we face as parents.

Seminar attendee

A weight off my shoulders

I left feeling as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders (guilt from unrealistic expectations of myself)

Parenting clinic attendee

cannot recommend Anita enough

The sessions were lively, fun and interactive as well as offering lots of practical advice and take always. I cannot recommend Anita enough

Michaela Gibson, Dive In Festival

It was a revelation

It was like someone swapped my children for nicer ones. Amazing what a difference a shift in my attitude made. My two were fighting all day and I was shouting all day, now they play nicely MOST of the time and I am a calm parent MOST of the time! It was a revelation.

Seminar attendee

interactive and engaging

it was one of the best parenting / work-life seminars I have attended. Even through a dial-in in Edinburgh, it was well-delivered, interactive and engaging.

webinar participant

more fun and caring relationship

I have learnt so much about myself and my actions. I have a better understanding of what my children need and we already have a better, calmer, more fun and caring relationship.

parent coachee