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How to parent smarter not harder.

Photo of mother holding child's hand out walking in the woods to illustrate one of our suggested strategies for how to rush less and connect more with your kids

How to rush less and connect more with your kids

Do you find it hard to slow down and just be with your kids? Is your mind whirling with that unfinished To Do list even as you are trying to play or listen or connect with your kids? Do you leap on...

photo of a hand held up as if to ward off approach to illustrate article on connecting with a teen who wants nothing to do with you

Connecting with a teen who wants nothing to do with you

Connecting with a teen in withdrawal mode is not easy. Relationships thrive on communication, goodwill, and spending time together – all of which can be in short supply between teens and their...

Montage of book covers of our recommended 8 great books about modern family dynamics

8 Great Books About Modern Family Dynamics

I have chosen these 8 books about modern family dynamics because they include, explore and represent diverse aspects of modern family life. And they are all also a good read for anyone who is...

Photo of young girl with arms outstretch about to jump off a step to illustrate article on why realistic expectations are good for children and parents

Realistic expectations are good for children and parents

Having realistic expectations – of yourself and your children – is key to positive parenting. It builds children’s self-esteem, reduces parenting stress and helps you enjoy your...

Photo of young girl sitting outside holding her face up to the sun streaming through the trees, to illustrate article on family mindfulness activities

12 Family Mindfulness Activities

Daily mindfulness moments are a simple way to reduce stress and anxiety and boost family happiness levels. For parents, mindfulness can help us stop juggling thoughts and step into the present...

Photo of Dalya Wittenberg work-life balance blogger and podcast host

In pursuit of work-life balance

Finding work-life balance can be incredibly challenging as a working parent. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Balance looks different for different people, and our sense of balance often...

Resetting work/parenting boundaries post-pandemic

The Covid pandemic led to one of the biggest and most sudden changes we have ever seen when it comes to working practices, most especially for people who were traditionally office-based. The biggest...

Photo of a woman's legs wearing jeans lying on grass to illustrate article urging parents to step away from the emails this summer

Parents, step away from the emails

If you have recently received an Out of Office from me, I hope it made you smile. It probably said something like ‘Gone Surfing’, or ‘Gone Camping’, or ‘Currently dragging a reluctant...

Photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare from video on how to avoid arguing about parenting

How to avoid arguing about parenting

Arguing about parenting is a common problem. Partners and co-parents often find that they have different approaches to parenting. Having different strengths can be valuable in a parenting team but...

Photo of young mum staring out of a window to illustrate how it feels when family are constantly judging my parenting

“My family are constantly judging my parenting”

I had a really interesting session with one of my one-to-one clients recently about how to manage perceived ‘judginess’ from wider family about your parenting style and decisions. The...

Photo of mum hugging young boy to illustrate article on how to be a present and connected parent

How to be a present and connected parent after a day at work

Being a present and connected parent after a long day at work isn’t easy. Summoning up the energy to listen and engage whilst simultaneously locating lost Sports Kit, making sure the kids have done...

photo of two young girls relaxing in a hammock to illustrate article on how to have better weekends with children

How to have better weekends with children

It might be that you already have fantastic weekends with your family – in which case, do leave a comment below to share your secret! However, I know from personal experience that weekends with...

Photo of teenage boy to illustrate advice by parenting expert Anita Cleare on teen alcohol use

Should I give my teen alcohol?

When my kids were younger, I had a rather tetchy text exchange with a fellow parent about teen alcohol protocols. She and another mum had agreed to give their teens a few cans of lager to take to a...

photo of dad and two sons smiling to illustrate article on how to be a resilient family

How to be a resilient family

Five features of a resilient family and the most helpful habits you can cultivate to boost family resilience during tough times. 1. Positive mindset Resilient families tend to have a can-do attitude...

photo of positive parenting expert and author Anita Cleare

Have happy family memories (without spending money)

If you want to make a plan for ways to spend time with your kids that don’t cost money, here’s a quick video outlining a simple exercise you can do with the whole family that will help you...

Photo of dad and two young children chatting on a sofa to illustrate article on how to start good conversations with kids

How to start good conversations with kids

Good conversations build great relationships. And since parenting is really all about relationship building, starting good conversations with kids is essential. Good conversations help build young...

photo of piggy bank to illustrate article on talking to children about money and the cost of living crisis

Talking to children about money and the cost of living

Tips for talking to children about money and the cost of living crisis With the current economic crisis, families are faced with difficult choices about household finances. Parents are having to say...

Photo of young girl mopping kitchen floor to illustrate article on the reasons children should do chores

6 Reasons Your Children Should Do Chores

The main reason parents don’t make their children do chores is because, frankly, it’s just easier and quicker if we do things ourselves. We know that children should do chores but it...

Activities to build children’s confidence

My original idea for this post was to write a summer bucket list of fun activities to build children’s confidence and inspire them to believe “I can do hard things!” However, to be...

photo of smiling mum, dad and two teenagers sitting on a sofa to illustrate article by Helen Beedham on how to negotiate boundaries to protect family time

When work intrudes into family time

A guest post by Helen Beedham on 5 ways to negotiate work/family boundaries harmoniously at home. Have you ever tried to send a ‘quick’ work email during family time and half an hour later,...

Photo of mum sitting next to young child both looking at an ipad to illustrate article on ensuring a blanced childhood in the digital age

Ensuring a balanced childhood in the digital age

Now, I am in no way anti-screens. As a parent, technology has been invaluable for helping my children learn, keeping them entertained, staying in touch with distant family and keeping them safe when...

Recommended books to inspire children to be adventurous - montage of book covers

Books to inspire children to be adventurous

When I was seven, my favourite pastime was planning adventures with the kids who lived in my lane. We would put together Adventure Kits (these usually involved string and snacks!) and head off into...

photo of two children outside to illustrate article on fun ideas for winter family time

10 fun ideas for winter family time

When the days are short and it’s cold outside, it can be hard to come up with creative ideas for fun family time. Then, before you know it, everyone has retreated to their personal screens and...

photo of happy family on a beach to illustrate parenting tips for a harmonious family holiday

Positive parenting tips for a harmonious family holiday

Family holidays are great. They are the stuff that memories are made of – full of relaxed time and laughter, the true essence and point of childhood. Well, that’s the theory, anyway! In...

photo pf a girl on a bike in the summer in article on positive parenting by parenting expert Anita Cleare

A positive parenting toolkit for the school holidays

The school holidays are upon us and I know how busy you are. So, I thought I’d help you save time on your holiday prep and bring together in one place all the positive parenting strategies...

photo of angry teens back to bak to illustrate article on teenage bickering by parenting expert Anita Cleare

Teenage bickering – what’s normal?

So, here’s a question for you. What’s normal when it comes to teenage bickering? That’s the kind of question I get asked all the time. But the reality is that ‘normal’...

20 Exercise Ideas for Tweens (8-11yrs)

If you are worried that your child’s physical fitness levels plummeted during lockdown, you are not alone. Lots of parents report struggling to keep children physically active when so many...

Creating a mentally healthy family life

Mental ill health can strike anyone. At any time of life. But, just as with physical health, there are simple things we can all do to boost our mental and emotional wellbeing. There is lots of...

20 low tech family tog post by parenting expert Anita Cleare (photo of kids in the woods)

20 low tech family time ideas

The coronavirus restrictions resulted in a surge in screen time for children and teenagers. Online schooling, plus reduced opportunities for socialising and the closure of many venues, left parents...

Fun card games for children of all ages picture of Racing Demons game

Fun card games for children of all ages (by Ellie Dix)

Regular readers will know that I am a huge fan of a pack of playing cards as a screen-free pocket-sized boredom buster. And while the coronavirus is keeping us all cooped up indoors, I’m sure...