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Triple P parenting self-help workbooks

Triple P parenting self-help workbooks are an ideal solution for parents who want to learn more about positive parenting but who can’t attend a parenting course.

The books cover all the same material as the acclaimed 8-week Triple P parenting courses – helping parents to discover and implement positive parenting strategies for managing, educating and caring for their children – but with the added convenience of being able to read it on the train or dip in and out as time permits. The workbooks guide parents through a 10 week series of reading, thinking and practice tasks designed to build good relationships with children, encourage their learning and development and manage their behaviour in a positive way. There are three Triple P parenting self-help workbooks to choose from, depending on the age and needs of your child:

Every Parent’s Self-Help Workbook

Triple P parenting self-help workbooksThe Every Parent’s Self-Help Workbook is aimed at parents of children aged 2-12 years. Through an interactive self-directed learning format, parents are guided through strategies for building strong relationships with children and encouraging desirable behaviour, how to use assertive discipline, dealing with common parenting problems and planning ahead for high-risk times. Great for parents of toddlers, pre-schoolers and kids at primary school. If your child is at the upper end of this age range and tipping into the teenage years, you might be better off checking out the Teen version. And if online learning is more your cup of tea then you might want to check out the Triple P Online parenting course.

Teen Triple P Self-Help Workbook

The teen version of the Triple P parenting self-help workbooks is a veritable bible for parents of teenagers. All the parents I know who have used this book are full of praise – and each of them has found something different in it that they hadn’t thought about before. It’s easy to lose your way as a parent when your children transition into teenagers and it can be hard to keep up. How much freedom and responsibility should teens be given and how to keep them safe? Lots of practical ideas for addressing these thorny issues!

Stepping Stones Triple P Self-Help Workbook

Triple P parenting self-help workbooksThe Stepping Stones workbook is specifically for families with a child who has a sensory or physical disability or a disability involving developmental delay (ages 2-12 years). It covers all the same issues and strategies as the mainstream Triple P parenting self-help workbooks but looks specifically about how to apply positive parenting to children with behavioural difficulties and developmental concerns. There are specific strategies for breaking down new skills into easy learning steps, using activity schedules and teaching communication skills to overcome frustration. A great complement to disability-specific knowledge.

The self-directed learning format of the Triple P parenting self-help workbooks does mean that parents miss out on one of the most useful aspects of parenting groups – meeting other parents, sharing experiences and building a support network. But, if a parenting group simply isn’t an option, then the Triple P self-help workbooks are a great solution.

Unfortunately, Triple P only makes these books available via trained and accredited Triple P practitioners (they are not available to buy in the shops). If you think Triple P parenting self-help workbooks might be a good solution for your parenting dilemmas then get in touch and I will point you in the right direction of where to get support.

Find out more about our parenting support.

Triple P parenting self-help workbooks

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Books by Anita Cleare

For working parents – practical tips on how to be the parent your child needs and create happy family dynamics (but still do your job!).

For parents of teenagers – the ultimate tools and strategies for connecting with your teenager and supporting them to find their talents.

18 responses to “Triple P parenting self-help workbooks”

  1. I haven’t bought any parenting books since my kids were very little, but I do like the idea of the teen book. My teenage son is proving to be a complete mystery and I’m aware that I have two other kids who will be teens before I know it. It would be good to get them sussed by then!

    • AnitaCleare says:

      I think the switch to the teenage years requires a fundamental change in parenting style (which can be challenging!) and sometimes a prompt like a book or a seminar can really help get you thinking. I doubt you will ever get them sussed though!

  2. I haven’t bothered with any parenting books yet, but I think I might in the future. Especially when we start approaching the teens! 🙂 #readwithme

  3. aaa I kind of dread the teenage years, I know what I was like. Shame the books aren’t more readily available. Thanks for sharing with #ReadWithMe

    • AnitaCleare says:

      There are lots of things to look forward to in the teenage years – I really enjoy the conversations I have now with my eldest son about life, the universe and everything else!

  4. Michelle says:

    Hi- how do I get hold of a copy of the Teen self help book?

  5. Susannah says:

    I have just started looking for support to help navigate the already tense teenage moments with my 13 + year old! I have looked on line for parenting classes but nothing to suit me locally. I am interested in perhaps using your telephone coaching but would like to do some reading first. Can you recommend a basic starting book? I am also divorced and have little contact with my ex that is positive. He sees the children alternate weekends and 1 x during the week.

    • AnitaCleare says:

      Hi Susannah! That transition to parenting a teenager isn’t always easy (I know!) and it’s a great idea to look for some support. The Triple P Teen workbook would be a good place to start. I will email you with more info. Anita 🙂

  6. George says:

    Hello. I just stumbled into your homepage. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for Every Parent’s Self-Help Workbook and I cannot find it. Could you please help me??? Is it vanished from the market?? I`ve looked literally everywhere. Thank you!!


    Can you please let me know how to get a copy of this book (triple p workbook).

  8. Kerry says:

    Hi! Can you tell me where I could find the “Every Parents Self Help Workbook”? I’ve searched everywhere online in US. Do you have any thoughts? Thank you!

    • AnitaCleare says:

      Hi Kerry! You can only get the self-help book via a qualified Triple P practitioner or from Triple P directly (it’s not sold online). You will find the US Triple P contact details here: By the way, have you thought about doing the online course instead? That covers all the same material too. Good luck, and just get in touch if I can help.

  9. Kerry Dakers says:

    Thank you so much! I would never ever have figured this out on my own!! The links you sent were super helpful. I never found them on my own. when I was searching. I am very grateful for your help!!

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