How a snow globe can help children self soothe
Young children find abstract concepts difficult. So words like ‘anxiety’ or ’emotion’ can be a bit baffling to them. What do those words actually mean? And how do they help? If your little one is getting overwhelmed by emotions or worries, it’s a really good idea to find more concrete imagery and explanations for them to connect with. Something they can hold in their mind’s eye a little better. A snow globe is one way to do this – and it also helps them learn self soothe strategies to manage those feelings of overwhelm. Here’s how to do it.
You will find lots more strategies, ideas and resources (plus signposting to specialist agencies) in this Supporting children’s and teenager’s mental health resource list.
Does your child suffer from ANXIETY? We offer specialised support for parents to help you learn how to support an anxious child/teenager and build their confidence. Details here.