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How to parent smarter not harder.

photo of young black boy wearing glasses in a classroom surrounded by children all working hard in exercise books, to illustrate article on school stress

School Stress: are you pushing too hard?

There is growing evidence that children and young people in the UK are experiencing a mental health crisis. School stress is one of the top reasons children reach out to the counselling service...

Photo of young girl with blue hair where a mask and a cape and holding out a flower like or wand to illustrate tips on parenting a child with ADHD

Parenting a child with ADHD

Usually, my approach to blog writing (and to supporting parents in general) is to stick rigorously to what we know from evidence and research. My personal experiences with my own children help me...

Photo of young white woman with blond hair holding a blond-haired toddler. The woman is looking at the toddler, the toddler is looking away. To illustrate article about parenting when you're autistic.

Parenting when you’re autistic

Parenting is never easy. There will always be difficult moments and conflicts. However, parenting when you’re autistic (or otherwise neurodivergent) can pose some specific challenges. For...

Photo of young asian girl taking a selfie and angling her face with her hand, to illustarte article on promoting positive body image in girls

Promoting healthy body image in girls

Guest post by Janet Boseovski & Ashleigh Gallagher, authors of Beyond Body Positive* Girls begin to think about their bodies (how they look and how they are seen by others) early in life. Even...

Photo of young boy smiling at the camera and looking happy to illustrate article on how temperament impacts children's development

How temperament impacts children’s behaviour

Most parents instinctively understand that children are born with their own innate personality that drives their behaviour. (And if we weren’t sure of that, a second or subsequent child coming...

Graphic reads "My number one parenting tip: listen don't fix. (That's it.)"

Listen don’t fix

If I could pick just one top parenting tip for parents, it would be “Listen don’t fix.” As adults, we are often very quick to jump in and try to fix children’s problems for them,...

Photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare alongside video title 'How to have good conversations with teens'

How to have good conversations with teens

When your teen is holed up in their bedroom most of the time (or has their eyes fixed on a screen), it’s tempting to rush at a conversation whenever we spot an opportunity. Here’s why...

Photo of parenting expert Anita Cleare holding up a copy of her book How to Get Your Teenager Out of Their Bedroom and smiling at the camera taken from a video on How to boost your teen's self-esteem

How to boost your teen’s self-esteem

Telling a teen not to care what their friends think doesn’t work. If you want your teen to believe in themselves and bounce through the hurt and self-doubt of the teenage years, then criticising...

Photo of a young girl in a green coat with her arms outstretched trying to catch a bubble in a park to illustrate how play helps children's mental health

How play helps children’s mental health

Play helps children’s mental health in a huge variety of ways. Yet, it is seldom the first thing we think about when it comes to supporting children’s mental or emotional wellbeing. This...

montage of various covers of books to help children with anxiety

Books to help children with anxiety (2-12yrs)

The best books to help children with anxiety are reassuring and approachable and give children ideas and practical strategies for managing their worries. Children who are worried or anxious...

Photo of book cover of How Are You Feeling Now by Molly Potter

How Are You Feeling Now? Interview with children’s author Molly Potter

Molly Potter is a best-selling children’s author whose books help parents and children talk about feelings and other tricky topics. I’m a huge fan of her books, so I was delighted to have...

Photo of young girl sitting outside holding her face up to the sun streaming through the trees, to illustrate article on family mindfulness activities

12 Family Mindfulness Activities

Daily mindfulness moments are a simple way to reduce stress and anxiety and boost family happiness levels. For parents, mindfulness can help us stop juggling thoughts and step into the present...

Photo of worried child to illustrate video by parenting expert Anita Cleare on what to say when children are worried

What to say when children are worried

It can be really difficult for parents to know what to say when children are worried. We desperately want to make them feel better as quickly as possible – but supporting an anxious child takes...

advice for a parent whose daughter is self-harming

My daughter is self-harming

“My daughter is self-harming and I don’t know how to help. I can’t understand why she’s doing it. Is this something she has copied from friends? I’m a single dad and no...

photo of dad and two sons smiling to illustrate article on how to be a resilient family

How to be a resilient family

Five features of a resilient family and the most helpful habits you can cultivate to boost family resilience during tough times. 1. Positive mindset Resilient families tend to have a can-do attitude...

photo of Anita Cleare from video blog on 'How to paise to build children's self-esteem'

How to praise to build children’s self-esteem

 Praise helps build children’s self-esteem when it is specific and believable and when it helps children interpret their failures positively. Here’s an ultra-quick video guide on how to...

Photo of upset young boy being cuddled by mum to illustrate how naming emotions builds children's emotional resilience

How naming emotions builds children’s emotional resilience

Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back from hard moments, face challenges and cope with stressful events. Naming emotions is a really important step in building children’s emotional...

Learning to be comfortable with our children’s discomfort…

When challenges happen in children’s worlds and they are held in the grip of big feelings, the last thing they need from their parents is a whirlwind. They don’t need us to throw our big...

Photo of two tween girls standing back to back to illustrate article on helping children with friendship problems

Helping children with friendship problems

Helping children with friendship problems is all about listening and empowering and very little about giving advice. There are some clear Do’s and Don’ts. But before we get to those,...

photo of two smiling boys holding positive affirmations cards to illustrate article on how positive affirmations can boost children's confidence

How positive affirmations can boost children’s confidence

This is a guest post by Chrissy Brown, founder of Young Positive Minds. In this post, she explains how positive affirmations can help build children’s confidence and self-esteem and how parents...

photo of boy looking worried to illustrate article on using Mental Gym to support children with anxiety

Using ‘mental gym’ to support children with anxiety

The principle of mental gym is quite simple. It is a way of practising different thought patterns in order to develop more flexible thinking and break out of negative responses. Mental gym is...

10 mood-boosting ideas for teenagers

It’s not unusual for teenagers to withdraw from family life, retreat into their bedrooms and experience periods of low mood. Being a teen is tough (see The reality of being a teenage girl...

Photo of smiling mum and child to illustrate article on how parents' self-esteem affects children

How parents’ self-esteem affects children

Self-esteem naturally ebbs and flows throughout life. Many parents find that their self-esteem takes a dive when they have young children, for example. Children make huge demands on our time and that...

Photo of teenager looking thoughtful to illustrate article on the reality of being a teenage girl today

The reality of being a teenage girl today

As a parent, it is easy to make assumptions about today’s teenagers and their lives. However, the pressures faced by teens – and especially by teenage girls – are intense and what...

photo of teenager eating chocolate to illustrate article by parenting expert Anita Cleare on talking to a teenager about healthy eating without giving them body image anxiety

Talking to a teenager about healthy eating (without giving them a complex)

During lockdown, lots of parents raised concerns with me about how to encourage teens to follow a more healthy lifestyle. Parents reported teenagers doing very little exercise, eating a lot of junk...

photo of child coming down a slide to illustrate blog post by parenting expert Anita Cleare on how 'moments to shine' help build children's self-esteem

How ‘moments to shine’ build children’s self-esteem

Experiencing ‘moments to shine’ is really important for building children’s self-esteem. Here’s what those moments look like and how parents can make them happen every day:...

Creating a mentally healthy family life

Mental ill health can strike anyone. At any time of life. But, just as with physical health, there are simple things we can all do to boost our mental and emotional wellbeing. There is lots of...

Empathetic listening video guide for parents by parenting expert Anita Cleare, photo of teenager carrying a surf board

Empathetic Listening

Empathetic listening is a really important skill for parents to learn in order to support children’s emotional well-being. Here’s a 3-minute video tip on how to do it.   If you have...

Photo of child illustrating blog post on what children need most by parenting expert Anita Cleare

What children need most from their parents

Many working parents are conflicted about what children need most from us, and how to prioritise between work and family. We are a generation of parents who are working more and parenting more. We...

How to talk to children about anxiety, blog by Anita Cleare

How to talk to children about anxiety and stress

Learning how to talk to children about anxiety and stress in a way that they understand is a really useful skill for parents to learn. This quick 3-minute video talks about using imagery that appeals...