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How to parent smarter not harder.

Photo of teenage girl standing against graffiti background to illustrate article by a teenage girl on how parents can help teens with school stress and grade anxiety

Helping teens cope with school stress and grade anxiety

As a parent, it is easy to make assumptions about the impacts of school stress on teens – but education has changed a lot since we were teenagers. I asked 15-year-old Lydia Bach from This...

photo of young black boy wearing glasses in a classroom surrounded by children all working hard in exercise books, to illustrate article on school stress

School Stress: are you pushing too hard?

There is growing evidence that children and young people in the UK are experiencing a mental health crisis. School stress is one of the top reasons children reach out to the counselling service...

Photo of two young blond girls sharing a secret to each other behind their hands with banner reading "How to talk to children about periods"

How to talk to children about periods

Earlier this year, I was interviewed for an article on how to talk to children about periods. Only a small amount of what I said made it into the final piece, so I thought I would share the full...

Photo of toddler smiling at the camera with adult standing behind

Working in partnership with your childcare provider

This is a guest post from Hopscotch Nurseries. Whether you use a nursery, a nanny or a childminder (or a combination of all three), the relationship between parents and their childcare provider is...

photo of teenager girl staring out of the widow looking bored, to illustrate article on how to motivate an unmotivated teen

How to motivate an unmotivated teen

So, what am I supposed to do? My teen does zilch. They have no motivation, no get up and go. Trying to get them to switch off their devices and do their homework is like pulling teeth every single...

Young child wearing sunglasses and smiling on a beach with sand falling off their spade in the wind to illustrate article on helping children learn to fail positively

Helping children learn to fail positively

Perfectionism is not helpful for children’s learning. Children with perfectionist tendencies will often avoid challenges due to fear of failure, or they may abandon tasks due to frustration and...

Close up photograph of 7-year-old boy reading a book intently, to illustrate article on How to encourage your child to read books

Encouraging your child to read books: what works?

We all know how important it is to encourage our child to read books. Reading for pleasure is associated with many benefits in later childhood, including higher attainment scores at school, a broader...

photo of two teenage girls to illustrate advice for parent who says "I don't like my daughter's friends"

“I don’t like my daughter’s friends”

This short video was inspired by an email I received from a parent with the subject heading “I don’t like my daughter’s friends”. There were a lot more details in the email,...

photo of slightly worried 11-year-old boy to illustrate article for parents on how to help your child transition to secondary school

How to help your child transition to secondary school

The move up from primary to secondary education is a big step. There are lots of changes (for both children and parents) and some children do find the shift challenging. However, there are lots of...

15 ways parents can support children to do well at school

There are so many ways parents can support children to do well at school. It isn’t just about helping children learn spellings or times tables – supporting children’s learning is...

montage of 8 children's books about shyness

10 Children’s books about shyness

Reading books with children is a great way to start conversations about topics they might find difficult. Whether you have a shy child or just want to help your confident child develop empathy,...

Photo of dad and two young children chatting on a sofa to illustrate article on how to start good conversations with kids

How to start good conversations with kids

Good conversations build great relationships. And since parenting is really all about relationship building, starting good conversations with kids is essential. Good conversations help build young...

montage of six children's books about financial hardship

Children’s books about financial hardship

With the current cost of living crisis, many parents are having difficult conversations with children about money. Explaining financial hardship to children isn’t easy as young children find it...

photo of young boy writing

How to turbo charge children’s creative writing

Guest post by Clare Lloyd Children are natural storytellers. Inventing new worlds inhabited by imaginary characters is a lot of fun and brings plenty of playful pleasure to children. By nurturing...

Book covers of growth mindset books for younger kids

10 Growth Mindset Books for Younger Kids

With younger children, encouraging a growth mindset is best done through engaging stories that will help them reflect on their own experiences. The best growth mindset books for this age group...

photo montage of book covers showing children's books about multiculturalism in Britain

Children’s Books About Multiculturalism in Britain

If you are looking for books that explore British society from a multicultural perspective, this list of children’s books about multiculturalism in Britain is for you. I don’t claim that...

photo montage of 8 book covers which are all recommended books for helping children manage friendship problems

Books for helping children manage friendship problems

Learning how to recognise a good friend (and how to be one) is an important part of childhood. All children experience some ups and downs in friendships. Parents can play an important role in helping...

Photo of two tween girls standing back to back to illustrate article on helping children with friendship problems

Helping children with friendship problems

Helping children with friendship problems is all about listening and empowering and very little about giving advice. There are some clear Do’s and Don’ts. But before we get to those,...

Teaching boys about consent

Like many parents, I was shocked by recent revelations about sexual violence and harassment in UK schools. The tragic killing of Sarah Everard opened the floodgates for women to talk about not...

Photo of child illustrating blog post on what children need most by parenting expert Anita Cleare

What children need most from their parents

Many working parents are conflicted about what children need most from us, and how to prioritise between work and family. We are a generation of parents who are working more and parenting more. We...

'Getting teenagers into a routine' by parenting expert Anita Cleare - photo of a teenagers lying on the floor listening to music

Getting teenagers into a routine

Getting teenagers into a routine is a topic that frequently comes up in my discussions with parents of teenagers. And especially so during the run up to exams. It can be hard to know when to just...

Helping children set goals by parenting expert Anita Cleare - picture of toy astronaut

Helping children set goals

Helping children set goals has huge benefits for their self-esteem. It also teaches them an essential life skill that underpins much academic and workplace success. And, at a time of huge...

helping children through exams, photo of a maths test

Supporting children through exams

Whether your child is 8 or 18, tests and exams can be a stressful time. Supporting children through exams is all about reducing stress, optimising well-being and putting good study processes in...

pen drawing by child to illustrate article on the zone of proximal development (zpd)

Parents and the zone of proximal development (ZPD)

The Zone of Proximal Development – it’s a bit of a mouthful but, bear with me, this is something all parents need to know about. The ZPD is a grand term for a simple idea that can really...

photo of a bowl of fruit to illustrate article by nutritionist Jo Travers

How to feed your child to support their learning (by Jo Travers)

Guest post by Jo Travers BSc RD Supporting children’s learning is a key concern for modern parents. But developing good homework habits and helping children learn their spellings and times tables...

Top 10 starting school books: photo of 'Boris Starts School'

Top 10 starting school books (for preparing children for school)

Getting ready to start school has very little to do with the alphabet and lots to do with practical and emotional preparation (see School readiness skills for pre-schoolers). Their first day at...

How to support teens and tweens to become better students (by Lucy Parsons)

Guest post by Lucy Parsons We all want our children to make the most of their education. However, when you watch a teenager diligently putting hours into their revision only to be rewarded with less...

When homework threatens self-esteem, it’s time to take stock

One of the things I find hard as a parent is balancing the desire for my children to fulfil their potential academically with looking after their wider needs such as wellbeing and emotional...

Photo of 'Where Willy Went' bookcover, great for talking to children about sex

Talking to children about sex, bodies and relationships: resource list

Lots of parents find talking to children about sex, bodies and relationships difficult. But not talking about those topics can send out a powerful message. Feeling that certain bits of their body...

The importance of school readiness skills for preschoolers

Contrary to popular belief, being able to read, write or do arithmetic are the least important skills that a pre-schooler needs in order to be ready to start school. In fact, only 4% of teachers rate...